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Vol. 75 No. 2 (2022): Dezinformacja i operacje wpływu

Dezinformacja i operacje wpływu

The Wagner Group – a paramilitary tool of Russian hybrid operations

Submitted: April 5, 2023
Published: 2022-12-31


The main purpose of this article is to present the evolution of the Wagner Group’s role in Russian foreign policy within 2014–2022 period. Using publicly available sources: including publicized intelligence materials, results of  journalistic investigations, reports of  think tanks and experts, press materials and documents of  international organizations, the  author answers the  following research questions: 1. Can the Wagner Group be classified as a private military company taking into account its status under domestic and international law? 2. What is the genesis of the organization’s establishment and the degree of its ties to Russian state structures? 3. What is the scope of the tasks performed by the Wagnerians as part of Russian hybrid operations and in connection with the war in Ukraine? 4. What actions has the  international community taken to  limit the  freedom of  action of this paramilitary organization?


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