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Tom 49 Nr 1 (2021)

Systemy polityczne

Kwoty płci w polityce: przegląd badań

Przesłane: 9 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 22 marca 2021


The issue of women’s presence in politics is one of the key indicators of equality and is treated as a process of democratisation. On the eve of the anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, more than half of countries use institutional mechanisms to increase women’s participation in decision-making bodies (gender quotas); 24.5% of the world’s MPs are women. The aim of this article is a structural literature review focusing on the most important findings regarding gender quotas. The literature devoted to the issue of gender quotas concentrates on four perspectives, namely (1) descriptive representations of women (DRW), (2) substantive representation of women (SRW), (3) the role of political leaders or parties, and (4) the effectiveness of quotas in increasing the number of women in politics. The researchers’ findings confirm the effectiveness of using electoral quotas, in particular in increasing the descriptive representation of women.


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