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Tom 49 Nr 4 (2021)

Stosunki międzynarodowe

Zagraniczny wymiar polityki historycznej Prawa i Sprawiedliwości (2015–2019)

Przesłane: 7 kwietnia 2022
Opublikowane: 16 marca 2022


From the very beginning, the main goals of the Law and Justice (PiS) party were to strengthen the independent existence of the Republic of Poland and the country’s international position, as well as to spread patriotic attitudes and strengthen the social and national solidarity of Poles. For party members, the subjects of patriotism and national remembrance were among the key elements in maintaining the national cohesion of Poles, and raising the level of civilization and the quality of life of the entire society. In the external dimension (related to the influence of the past on the image of Poland in the modern world and the shaping of the image of the state and its nation), the party’s politics were reduced to a few basic assumptions. The first was to restore the awareness of Polish history and Poland’s importance in Europe, as well as to describe and universalize the Polish experience in the international arena as an essential component of the European tradition. The second assumption of PiS’s politics of memory was to oppose the attempts to relativize responsibility for the crimes of World War II, as well as to argue with all actions aimed at a moral and historical revision of the position of the Polish state and nation, whether from Germany and, more broadly, from international actors and the Russian Federation. The last assumption of these politics was to build good relations with Israel and the Jewish diaspora, particularly in the United States, which the party leaders perceived as a symbol and guarantee of security, as well as a source of rapid economic development.


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