The aim of the article is to describe the influence of the sociological concept of neotribalism on the theoretical and practical aspects of the contemporary political community of the United States of America (USA).
The article presents the essence of neotribalism, its characteristic features, and also indicates why its elements occur in contemporary democratic political systems. The elements of neotribalism noticed in the USA are also described. At the same time, examples of US political rules are cited, proving that the US political order has generally developed on anti-tribal principles.
Moreover, based on one of the political science analyses that deals with the subject of contemporary American tribalism, it has been indicated where the contemporary sociopolitical divisions are observed in the USA and what neo-tribes are identified. The influence of this phenomenon on American political theory and practice is outlined. The article also suggests alternative proposals, compared to the analysed ones, for solving the problem of the limited representativeness of political institutions in the USA.