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Tom 51 Nr 3 (2023)

Integracja europejska/Unia Europejska

Relacje niemiecko-francuskie w 30 lat po zawarciu traktatu z Maastricht, stan obecny i perspektywy: The Present State and the Prospects

Przesłane: 16 stycznia 2024
Opublikowane: 26 października 2023


This article outlines the picture of German–French relations in 2022. It focuses on the political dimension, which is related to economic relations. Brexit and the full-scale war in Ukraine since 2022 are also elements of the analysis. A thesis is put forward that despite all difficulties and discrepancies, German–French cooperation functions and has the potential for further tightening, despite the differences in goals and policies of both countries. In recent years, it has been possible to further conserve and deepen it. The strong political ties of both countries are not manifested only in the declarative sphere. This state of mutual relations makes it possible to carefully forecast further constructive cooperation between the two countries.



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