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Vol. 52 No. 1 (2024)

Russia’s War with Ukraine – Conditions and Implications for the Security and Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries

Legal, institutional and support instruments of the European Union and UNHCR to address the refugee and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine 2022–2023

Submitted: October 1, 2024
Published: May 17, 2024


The European Union and its Member States have managed the refugee and humanitarian crisis triggered by Russian aggression against Ukraine much more effectively than the refugee and migration crisis of 2015–2016. Instead of scrambling to find new institutional arrangements, the European Union has relied on existing but undervalued or dormant legal and institutional instruments, such as the Temporary Protection Mechanism, the Integrated Crisis Response Mechanism at political level and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. As in the 2015–2016 crisis, UNHCR made an important contribution to monitoring the refugee and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and providing assistance to refugees.


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