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Vol. 47 No. 1 (2019)

European integration/European Union

Poland’s Efforts to Resume the European Union’s Dialogue with Belarus between 2007 and 2010

Submitted: December 16, 2019
Published: 2019-03-29


In the face of tensions in Belarusian-Russian economic relations in 2007, the European Union (EU) took an attempt to dialogue with the undemocratic authorities of Belarus. The ambition of Donald Tusk’s cabinet established in November 2007 was to intensify this process. The government adopted the view that by minimising contacts with Belarus, the West supported its entry into the Russian sphere of influence. Polish diplomats suggested that the dialogue between the EU and Minsk should be conditional. This policy was to offer specific benefics to Belarus in exchange for a gradual democratisation of its internal system. In 2008, the EU adopted this policy. The EU dialogue with Belarus lasted until mid-December 2010. The Belarusian authorities did not fulfil the basic condition of Brussels at that time, which was to hold presidential elections in accordance with the rules of democracy. Minsk’s attitude should be explained by a breakthrough in its relations with Moscow. Ten days before the planned elections, the presidents of Belarus and Russia  concluded economic agreements favourable for the Belarusian side. The failure of the conditionality policy implemented by the EU with the participation of Poland revealed the weakness of EU instruments in the rivalry with Moscow for influence in the post-Soviet area.


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