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Tom 22 (2018): KRYZYS

Maria Jarosz (1931-2014). In memoriam

Kopiec z kredy. Co proces decyzyjny w sprawie reformy szkolnictwa mówi o polskiej demokracji?

Przesłane: 21 lutego 2020
Opublikowane: 30 maja 2018


The article refers to the results of the survey of representatives of the Polish political elite carried out in 2003 and 2004. All of them were convinced that the negative social consequences of the political and economic transformation could threaten the standards of the democracy being built. They also pointed to similar remedies aimed at stopping the occurring undesirable phenomena in the relations between the authorities and citizens. The most important question posed in the article is whether, in the over fourteen years that have passed since that time, politicians have managed to block the negative tendencies and make up for their effects; whether the political elite have managed to avoid a kind of ‘transformation trap’ caused by the negative consequences of their previous actions.
This question is answered based on the analysis of one decision. Evidence that the previously recorded dysfunctions were overcome and traces of the effectiveness of the remedies applied are sought in the study of the decision‑making process. This decision concerns the education reform, finally approved by the President of Poland in 2017. It had extremely strong social resonance. It is thus a convenient field of observation of the nature of relations between politicians and society as well as between politicians.
The fact that the ruling class pushed their own reform bill without taking into account the interests of the social groups contesting it – which is symbolised by a chalk mound made during one of their protests – indicates the elite’s failure.


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