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Tom 22 (2018): KRYZYS


Problem przestępstw bez ofiar w filozofii politycznej Waltera Blocka

Przesłane: 21 lutego 2020
Opublikowane: 30 maja 2018


Walter Block, an American economist and political philosopher, is a special case among libertarians, including anarcho‑capitalist ones. His defence of certain behaviours that are considered to be immoral and often unlawful, such as prostitution, drug trafficking, blackmail and voluntary slavery, makes a typical libertarian anti‑state rhetoric quite moderate. In his work entitled Defending the Undefendable, Block defends those whom society has made scapegoats by assigning all the worst behaviours to them. He re‑evaluates the traditional way of perceiving ‘villains’ who turn out to be the heroes of the free market in libertarian ideology. This article analyses two cases defended by Block and explains their grounding in the doctrine of libertarianism. These are prostitution and the distribution of drugs. The concept of victimless crime is used to explain the essence of the problem, which is radically different from the dominant images of some unlawful acts.


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