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Vol. 32 (2023)


Populism as a Process of Democracy Transformation: Book Review: „Me the People. How Populism Transforms Democracy” by Nadia Urbinati

Submitted: December 31, 2023
Published: March 21, 2024


The text is a review of the book Me the People: How Populism Transforms Democracy by Nadia Urbinati. The review discusses themes of criticism towards the establishment, the morality of populist leaders, and the understanding of what constitutes the people. These themes converge in the idea of populism as a process of transforming democracy, which is the central philosophical concept in the book. The review critically examines the comparison of the trust relationship between voters and a populist leader versus that between voters and a non-populist leader. It also addresses the ambiguity surrounding Urbinati's usage of the concept of democracy.


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