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Vol. 25 (2019): Geopolitics, Space, Property


Thinking According to the Value of “The Other” in the Philosophy of Józef Tischner

Submitted: April 16, 2020
Published: 2019-12-30


Man and specifically human experiences define the space of Józef Tischner’s philosophy. The main thread of thinking about man is “the experience of the other” through which is born the “I”, the subject of Tischner’s philosophy of drama, in which fundamental issue is the meeting. Contemporary man, usually locked in his narrative of monadic life, is wary of the other. However, personal growth does not happen alone, but with the other. Man is not enough for himself, he needs confirmation and recognition of the other. From the meeting with the other begins a drama which cannot be predicted. Through the drama that happens between “I” and you, the participants are open to the world of values and the agathological and axiological horizon of existence is before them. From the other, as Tischner notes, a call is coming to save him. By axiological thinking, one should try to solve the problem of the tragedy of the situation in which the other was found. This is thinking about the other according to value. The primacy of good over evil is revealed in the recognition of human freedom which is the essence of the relationship with the other.


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