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Vol. 14 (2012): On totalitarianism and totalitarian state

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The ontology of a society, the worldview theory and Sovietology. Three fields of philosophical inquiry into totalitarianism

Submitted: July 5, 2020
Published: 2012-01-30


The article is devoted to the political philosophy of Father Jozef Maria Bochenski. One of Poland’s best-known Polish philosophers and logicians of the twentieth century, he represented the Thomistic, and later, the analytic tradition. His concept of totalitarianism is first presented on the ontological level and then in the context of the theory of ideology and Weltanschauung, worldview, which he rigorously distinguished from scientific philosophy. Finally, his thinking on the topic is set out as a subject of Sovietological studies, an interdisciplinary branch of scholarship examining communism as an ideology and as an organisation.


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