Life in a Kuwaiti Bazar — A Discussion of Multiculturalism


The article concerns the idea of multiculturalism and the role of anthropology in the disputes surrounding it. The first part of the article is devoted to the genesis of multiculturalism and the problems which it creates. These problems centre on the question of whether it is possible to combine multiculturalism with the values of western liberal democracy. Does multiculturism allow for openness to that which is foreign and does it permit cultural separatism? Is western liberalism a symptom of ethnocentrism or is it the opposite and it allows us to move beyond it, facilitating a cultural auto-revisions — both cognitive and ethical. The second part is devoted to constructive role played by anthropologists in the discussions taking place concerning multiculturalism. The role of the anthropologists would be to identify the specifics of society and consequently to move from a strictly theoretical point of view to an empiric one. Since political theory is not yet a guarantor of dialogue and multicultural dialogue does not always require a justification of its possibilities or an indication of a reliable way of conducting it. The dialogue rquires the ability to at least partially understand the speaker and the cultural practices — where the protagonist could be anthropology.


multiculturalism; liberalism; ethnocentrism; anti-ethnocentrism; cultural identity

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Published : 2007-12-19

Rakoczy, M. (2007). Life in a Kuwaiti Bazar — A Discussion of Multiculturalism. Culture & Society, 51(4), 35-52.

Marta Rakoczy
University of Warsaw  Poland