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Artykuły i rozprawy

Obserwatorium Sztuki dla Dziecka jako kolaż polifonicznych projektów dzieciństwa

Przesłane: 1 marca 2021
Opublikowane: 21 września 2020


The researcher describes her experience of participating in the 22nd Biennale of Art for Children. Discussions conducted as part of the meetings of the Observatory, a group created to observe and talk about events as an integral part of the project, show the polyphony of opinions about who is a child and what art is for a child. As Schütz points out, subjective meaning is an inherent attribute of human activities. People experience phenomena on the basis of their previous experiences. According to the premises of phenomenology, the discussions of people from different socio-biographical locations will provide a variety of visions. The author describes how the experience of people who are involved with art for children but who differ in their social and professional roles influences the planning of events for children.


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