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Marka artystyczna. Jak rozumiane jest pojęcie marki w świecie sztuki?

Przesłane: 28 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 30 stycznia 2017


This article shows how members of the contemporary art world in Poland understand the concept of the brand: how they define and validate it; what associations it evokes; and what kind of language is used to speak about it. The article summarizes part of the research conducted in 2015 with members of the art world within the framework of the project ‘The Artistic Brand as a Social Phenomenon: The Creation, Differentiation, and Role of Artistic Brands in Contemporary Poland.’ Thoughts on the subject of art brands lead to a description of the state of contemporary art in Poland. The definitions formulated by the respondents are compared to marketing theories, thus making it possible to determine the respondents’ level of knowledge of such theories. In conclusion, definitions of artistic brands are reviewed and supplemented on the basis of the material obtained from the research.


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