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Tom 54 Nr 2 (2010): KULTURA – MEDIA – JĘZYK

Artykuły i rozprawy

Język ojczysty — zaniedbany obszar wychowania

Przesłane: 16 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 17.06.2010


The author approaches native languages from the pedagogical point of view, perceiving language as an invisible environment of the upbringing of youths. She indicates the value of the national language in the past as well as currently in the period of globalization, she draws attention to the necessity to protect it and the importance of the Act on the Protection of the Polish Language introduced (1999) with this aim in mind. Analyzing current linguistic modes she gives many examples of carelessness and infringements of the principles of the use of the native language. She points out that respect for the language used is an element of good upbringing. An additional element of the discussion is the expression in the language of the oppression of women, so-called linguistic sexism. The article ends with a demonstration of examples of good practice — activities promoting linguistic culture, including language sensitive to gender issues (inclusive).


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