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Tom 51 Nr 1 (2007): Tematy popkultury

Artykuły i rozprawy

Role płciowe zapisane w zabawkach

Przesłane: 3 sierpnia 2023
Opublikowane: 20 marca 2007


The article presents toys as meaningful reflections of culture, which, while being a tool in the process of culturalisation, transmit some cultural content, meaningful to the society that has produced them. The role a toy plays in the process of internalisation of gender roles is an important aspect of its ideological character. The studies on toys and play reveal some general characteristics of the process of culturalisation — e.g. the differences between what is expected of girls and boys. They also show some inconsistencies between the declared and real awareness of gender equality.


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  • Nelson Anders, 2005, Children’s Toy Collections in Sweden: A Less Gender-Typed Country?, „Sex Roles: A Journal of Research”, t. 52, s. 93–102.
  • Pogrebin Letty C., 1994, Down with Sexist Upbringing, w: Miriam Schneir (red.), Feminism: The Essential Writings, World War II to the Present, Vintage, New York.
  • Sandnabba Kenneth N., Ahlberg Christian, 1999, Parents’ Attitudes and Expectations about Children’s Cross-gender Behavior, „Sex Roles: Journal of Research”, t. 40, s. 249–263.
  • Varney Wendy, 1999, Toys, Play and Participation, w: Brian Martin (red.), Technology and Public Participation, Wollongong University Press, Wollongong.
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