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Tom 68 Nr 2 (2024): Nowi i starzy dysponenci władzy symbolicznej

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„Dopieszczeni przez pana”. Czy istnieje alternatywa dla „zwrotu ludowego”?

Przesłane: 27 marca 2024
Opublikowane: 14 czerwca 2024


The essay’s author addresses the arguments of critics of the so-called “people’s turn” in historiography, who in their description of relations in rural serfdom in Polish lands emphasise above all their complementary nature and alleged harmony, while also recognising the patriarchal and hierarchical order as the natural state of things, in which there was no need for the peasant to rebel. He shows that identical arguments were put forward by conservative columnists defending the serfdom system in the 19th century. They wrote, for example, about the patrimonial convention in the relations between heir and peasant, they belittled the scale of violence, and they emphasised the alleged timelessness of the peasant’s existence, “rooted in nature”. In addition he points to the selective approach taken by the authors of two reviewed works in regard to sources, along with their omission of key publications in international literature on the subject.


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  3. Bowman Shearer Davis, 1993, Masters & Lords: Mid-19th-Century U.S. Planters and Prussian Junkers, Oxford University Press, New York–Oxford.
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  17. Rosenthal Caitlin, 2018, Accounting for Slavery. Masters and Management, Harvard University Press, Cambridge–London.
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  23. Zysiak Agata, 2023, We, the People? Review Essay, „Slavic Review”, t. 82(1), s. 184–193.


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