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Vol. 67 No. 2 (2023)

Articles and essays

The (Un)Certain Status of Close Relationships in the Context of Expressive Individualism

Submitted: March 20, 2023
Published: 2023-06-21


This article presents the socio-cultural analysis of love and intimacy, and pairing strategies in a competitive, self-actualising, self-fulfilling culture. In sociological discussion, the field of theoretical as well as empirical analysis is increasingly vast when it comes to reflexive scenarios of close relationships. A recognisable sign of social change under late modernity is individualisation and the associated pluralisation of lifestyles. Compared to relationships once formed based on prestige-genealogical-economic considerations, the space of accepted codes of "being together" today seems to be a chaos. As a result of individuals' attempts to emancipate themselves from the power of morality and social context, the category of "we" becomes increasingly abstract, with partners negotiating "intimate identity packages" according to individual preferences. Rooted in culture, traditional patterns of intimate biography become an individual "project" subject to optimisation, and at the same time a cultural practice governed by market mechanisms, scientific and media discourses, and the latest communication technologies. This article presents research project, whose results have been minded to recognise those areas of functioning of relationships which matter in the context of developing closeness. The conducted research was of an exploratory character and was situated within the strategy of qualitative research. The analysed empirical material comprised 42 individual semi-structured interviews. As the interviews have shown, closeness is a processual, reflective, individualized, and ritualized phenomenon.


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