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Tom 74 Nr 4 (2021): Kaukaz Południowy na rozdrożu

Świat zewnętrzny a państwa Kaukazu Południowego

Współpraca wojskowa NATO z państwami Kaukazu od 1991 roku: Drzwi otwarte czy uchylone?

Przesłane: 27 grudnia 2021
Opublikowane: 27 grudnia 2021


NATO declares open door policy towards aspiring countries since 90s. States from South Caucasus region took the effort to adjust its defense and security systems to NAO standards. To become a fully-fledged NATO members the main obstacle remains the lack of political will to extend NATO commitment to collective defense. Additionally self-imposed limitations of some NATO members stemming form 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act plays a vital role. It’s hard to assume that new Strategic Concept will grant an automatic membership to any of NATO partner countries. Georgia, Armenia nor Azerbaijan have been seriously considered as NATO member states. The door are barely open.


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