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Vol. 76 No. 1 (2023): Wojna Rosji z Ukrainą a nowy ład światowy

Wojna Rosji z Ukrainą a nowy ład światowy

Integralność terytorialna Rosji a lekcje historyczne Zachodu

Submitted: April 6, 2023
Published: 2024-02-19


After analyzing the experiences which the West drew from the wars waged against Russia/USSR in 17th-20th centuries and considering them in the light of situation in Russia after February 24, 2022, the author concludes: 1. the basic historical lesson of the West in its security policy at all is the Munich lesson 1938, 2. the Western powers, beginning seven of the eight wars against Russia, either applied various lessons learned from previous wars, or applied none of them, 3. he West from the crises of Russia integrity in 1917-21, 1941-45 and 1990. and own reactions to them drew a general conclusion that the territorial disintegration of Russia is neither achievable nor desirable, 4. Tsarist Russia and the USSR were more or less colonial empires, while the modern Russian Federation remains an empire, but already in the post-colonial phase, 5. within the year of invasion on Ukraine any serious symptoms of crisis of Russia's integrity did not appear, 6. today the strategy of the West actively supporting territorial disintegration of the Russian Federation would be groundless, regardless of what some history lessons would "suggest".


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