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Tom 74 Nr 4 (2021): Kaukaz Południowy na rozdrożu

Świat zewnętrzny a państwa Kaukazu Południowego

Russia’s approaches towards Armenia and Azerbaijan: evolution of the policy or interests come first?

Przesłane: 27 grudnia 2021
Opublikowane: 27.12.2021


This paper aims to analyse Russia’s policy towards the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan during the second Karabakh war and its aftermath. The aim is to explain Russia’s behaviour’s maxims during and after the second Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Analysing reasons and causes of Moscow’s approaches in relations with Armenia and Azerbaijan, this paper argues that developments in the Russian policy could be mainly explained by Russia’s current and prospective economic and strategic interests in the region and, they are based on Russia’s slowly departs from the legacies and responsibilities are most important thinking towards purely pragmatic and highly manoeuvrable approaches.


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