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Tom 72 Nr 2 (2019): Kryzys na świecie - świat w kryzysie

Kryzys na świecie - świat w kryzysie

Niemcy wobec dekady kryzysu 2008−2017 w świetle debat budżetowych w Bundestagu

Przesłane: 22 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 27 września 2019


This article looks at the reaction of Germany to the crisis phenomena that have been emerging since 2008. An attempt was made to characterize the German response on the basis of the analysis of budget debates in the Bundestag from the period in question, whereby the scope of the analysis was limited to the debates devoted to the Chancellery’s budget. Formally, they concern a relatively small budget, however, they are the culmination of parliamentary budget debates, taking on the character of a discussion on government policy with evaluation elements. Their aim is to present and consider the priorities of the ruling coalition, to identify key challenges and to work out the responses. The comparison of the course and content of the debates enabled the author to formulate comparative conclusions regarding individual crises by indicating specific as well as common elements of the state’s reaction.


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