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Vol. 72 No. 1 (2019): Jak uczyć o stosunkach międzynarodowych?


Rebuilding the United Nations force generation system. An attempt to maintain capabilities to implement mandates

Submitted: January 11, 2020
Published: 2019-03-29


UN Peacekeeping Operation as a tool of United Nations still play a vital role on restoring peace and security in the World. Due to the current conflicts, the role and scope of UN peacekeeping missions mandated tasks have changed significantly. Nowadays, they are not only an instrument of keeping the peace between states after conflict but also responsible for building the state structures, reform security system or promotion of human rights. For the execution of present mandates, often beyond the military tasks, the generated forces must be capable to implement them. The lesson learned from the recent years has shown that United Nations peace operations have not been adopted fully to the current conditions. The force generation system was based on assumptions from the past and did not meet the existing expectations. Thus, the UN was obliged to create a new system that would face up to contemporary peacekeeping. This article presents challenges for UN peacekeeping and describes the activities of the UN Secretariat aimed at improving the process of generation of forces for peacekeeping missions in order to implement modern missions’ mandates.


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