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Vol. 75 No. 3/4 (2022)


Implication of the new technologies and infrastructural projects in energy policy

Submitted: March 29, 2022
Published: 2024-08-23


Energy policy in the global context has undergone multiple changes over the past
few decades along with its underlying determinants. Ongoing climate change seemed to sufficiently motivate the international community to modernize the energy sector. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, has sparked widespread discussion and revision of previous views on the nature of relations with the Russian Federation in a number of areas. One of the topics discussed is the need to become independent from Russian energy carriers. The way to achieve this goal will be the widespread implementation of modern technologies in the energy sector based on rare earth minerals. Energy security, which has been neglected for the last decade, has again become a priority, while the zero-emission direction will be a permanent element of the policy pursued by many countries.


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