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Vol. 71 No. 3 (2018): Polska w świecie 1918-2018

Diplomatic Cabinet

Isolationism and non-interventionism in the tradition of American foreign policy

Submitted: January 15, 2020
Published: 2018-09-28


Commentators of the American foreign policy often criticize president Donald Trump’s activity. They say of return of isolationism and abandoning by the United States its active role in Europe. However, American activity in this part of the world is rather new phenomenon. For most of its history the United States avoided interfering in European affairs. The founding myth of the USA was based on anti-European feelings. Europe was recognized as the main danger for American  independence. For that reason, George Washington and the following presidents avoided, with increasing radicalism, political contacts with Europe (non-intervention). President Trump continues the policy of non-intervention in Europe, but unlike his predecessor he adopted more aggressive narration which takes much from anti-European ideas deeply rooted in the tradition of American foreign policy.


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