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Vol. 76 No. 2 (2023): Wojna Rosji z Ukrainą: zagadnienia międzynarodowe i wewnętrzne

Wojna Rosji z Ukrainą: zagadnienia międzynarodowe i wewnętrzne

Methods for assessing the potential of local strategies and programmes in the field of energy and energy efficiency in communities of Ukraine

Submitted: October 4, 2023
Published: 2024-03-29


There is suggested the Methods for assessing the potential of local strategies and programmes as a practical tool for assessing the ability of local strategies and programmes in the field of energy and energy efficiency. Due to the use of the Methods, local communities and specific energy cities will be able to identify a compliance level of their local strategies or programmes to legislative and regulative acts of both national and regional levels. This assessing the ability of local strategies and programmes will provides ordering a system of strategies and programmes, and will be a significant step to the practice of energy efficiency and energy sustainability.

In the paper, we will analyze strategies and programmes of six local communities of six Regions (Oblasts) of Ukraine with the help of the suggested Methods. Due to this approach, we will cover with analysis different regions of Ukraine. The findings will be represented in conclusions.

In practice, findings represented in the paper, could be interesting for energy companies, Local Self-Government Authorities, utility companies, academia, and a wide audience interested in issues on energy and energy efficiency. The approbation of the Methods is represented on the example of Ukrainian communities; nevertheless, this is a good example that can be used by territorial units in different countries.


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