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Tom 50 Nr 1 (2022)

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Aktywizacja nurtów dżihadystycznych w Sahelu i wysiłki na rzecz ich zwalczania

Przesłane: 4 stycznia 2022
Opublikowane: 13 lipca 2022


The article focuses on showing the security threats generated by jihadist extremism in the Sahel region. It describes the challenges resulting from the activity of terrorist groups in this area, particularly the Islamic State of the Great Sahara and Al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb. The article places these threats in the context of the determinants of endogenous problems faced by the countries of the region. It draws attention to the symbiotic relationship between extremist trends with organised crime networks. This analysis also outlines and assesses international activities undertaken, particularly with the participation of France, for security and stabilisation.


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