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Tom 50 Nr 4 (2022)

Uchodźstwo, Trauma, Współpraca

Ukrainian-Polish Partner Cities’ Cooperation during the 2022 War

Przesłane: 30 maja 2023
Opublikowane: 23 lutego 2023


The cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian partner cities has changed significantly since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in 2022. Traditional widely spread cultural programmes and projects were displaced by humanitarian assistance. Ukrainian cities (authorities) and the entire Ukrainian society affected by the war received the support mostly from Poland. The following research shows how cooperation between Polish-Ukrainian partner cities has changed in terms of law, areas of cooperation, the geography of the expanded partnership, and forms and types of assistance since 24 February 2022. Selected examples of partnership cooperation between Ukrainian-Polish cities are analysed taking account of a significant number of initiatives and programmes.


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