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Tom 50 Nr 4 (2022)

Dyskurs, Propaganda, Tożsamość

Eurasianism, Neo-Eurasianism and Anti-Ukrainianism in the Narratives of Modern Russian Propaganda

Przesłane: 31 maja 2023
Opublikowane: 23 lutego 2023


This article explores the issues of information warfare during the Russian aggression in Ukraine. The information warfare against Ukraine involves a wide range of methods and techniques aimed at destabilising society, introducing appropriate changes in the public consciousness and legitimising aggression. The purpose of this article is to analyse the main narratives of Russian ideological doctrine and propaganda in the context of their significance for Ukraine. The work focuses on three main aspects: (1) the ideas of the Eurasian doctrine; (2) the main postulates of neo-Eurasianism; and (3) the narratives of modern Russian propaganda that are being promoted in relation to Ukraine. The study shows that there is a link between the Eurasian doctrine of the first half of the 20th century, neo-Eurasianism and modern propaganda that determines the changes taking place in Russian narratives.


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