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Vol. 50 No. 4 (2022)

Exile, Trauma, Collaboration

The War Trauma of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

Submitted: September 6, 2022
Published: 2023-02-23


The question of Ukrainian war refugees in Poland has sparked a discussion in the scientific and journalistic discourse. Researchers focus on their plans for the future and problems with adaptation. The question of war trauma experienced by the refugees since the outbreak of war is ignored. The conducted study aims to demonstrate the sources of war trauma and the levels of post-traumatic stress disorder among war refugees who came to Poland. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect the research material. The data was collected through Computer-Assisted Web Interviews carried out on a purposive sample of 737 refugees living in Poland. The results of research indicate that the refugees are affected by a multi-dimensional war trauma intensified by separation from their families and friends who stayed in Ukraine, feeling of guilt towards them, as well as high uncertainty regarding their future in Poland. The exact measurement of PTSD with the use of the RHS-15 scale indicates that 70% of the respondents display symptoms of PTSD, and 66% of them have high levels of psychological distress.


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