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Nieszczęsna nowoczesność. Kobieta u Kierkegaarda

Przesłane: 23 lutego 2020
Opublikowane: 29 grudnia 2017


In Søren Kierkegaard’s philosophy, one can distinguish two large problem areas using a biographical key. The first concerns a woman and the other relates to a community. The essay is an attempt to interpret the philosopher’s ideas in a way that meets this division. At the same time, it tries to show what structural equivalence of these two issues – a woman and a community – (which often have a similar negative character in Kierkegaard’s works) could involve. Considering religion as the most important sphere of existence, it can be noticed that the philosopher’s original intention is to transfer the criticised secular idea of emancipation into the dimension of what is eternal in order to save it there.


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