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Vol. 59 No. 3 (2015): Z „TERENU” DO ARCHIWUM – I Z POWROTEM

Articles and essays

Bringing the Invisible to Public Light: The Visual Archive and the Practice-Oriented Intellectual

Submitted: May 11, 2021
Published: 2015-08-11


This article was written on the basis of the project ‘See Culture: The Archive of Visual Materials from Research into Culture in Poland’ conducted in 2014. It speaks of the internet creation of a social database using visual materials—the Visual Archive ( The authors present their findings from interviews with members of the research teams and directors of the projects that were included in the internet archive. These primarily concern the various approaches and research practices of the interlocutors and their definitions of visual material’s potential as a tool in social research. The profiles of the researchers presented earlier is then compared to the category of the practice-oriented intellectual, which broadens the classical understanding of the intellectual and points to an emerging manner of thinking about research practice in contemporary social sciences. The usefulness of the Visual Archive for the practice-oriented intellectual is indicated.


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