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Na widowni i z muletą. Promowanie tauromachii wśród dzieci i młodzieży w Hiszpanii

Przesłane: 1 marca 2021
Opublikowane: 21 września 2020


Bullfighting still produces controversy. It is treated by many as an integral part of Spanish tradition. On the other hand, according to opponents, the treatment of the bull during the show is objectionable, as is the public’s viewing of the bull’s death. The participation of children in the cultivation of the tradition is considered especially problematic. The article discusses actions to promote bullfighting aimed at children. There are two types of such activities: active ones, where the children engage in bullfighting, and passive ones, where they are spectators of bullfighting. The views of adherents and opponents of bullfighting are irreconcilable. Analysis of the discourse shows there is no possibility of negotiation between them.


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