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Tom 62 Nr 2 (2018): PRZEMIANY WIĘZI

Artykuły i rozprawy

Nacjonalizm czy polityka tożsamości? Przykład kaszubski

Przesłane: 21 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 28 czerwca 2018


The author focuses on the national emancipation strivings of part of the Kashubian elite in Poland. She proposes two interpretive views that could be helpful in understanding the ethnic processes presently occurring in the Kashubian community. The first derives from the category of nationalism, while the second refers to the concept of identity politics. The use of each makes it possible to perceive various aspects of the Kashubian national idea, although, as the author argues, the perspective of identity politics appears to be of more research interest and was the view primarily employed in analyzing the empirical material.


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