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Nie tylko art and science: czyli jak myśleć o praktykach łączących sztukę i naukę? Propozycja nowej typologii

Przesłane: 28 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 30 stycznia 2017


Artists and scholars have long been interested in the relations between art and science. However, on account of the diverse and transgressive nature of these relations, they may escape attempts to classify them in accord with the traditional divisions of academic disciplines, which are so characteristic of contemporary times. These divisions also prove inadequate for consideration of the rapid technological and socio-cultural changes destabilizing the mutually autonomous territories of art and science. The author thus attempts to respond to the need for new conceptual frames that will allow the existing forms of collaboration between artists and scholars to be revealed and systematized in a more cross-sectional and reflective manner. For this purpose she proposes a new typology—a model organizing phenomena in which art combines with science.


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