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Robert Michels — zapoznany klasyk socjologii

Przesłane: 28 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 10 października 2017


Robert Michels (1876–1936) considered himself to be a disillusioned socialist, who, under the influence of elitism, rejected democracy and moved into the fascist camp. As a figure in sociology he is associated solely with the “iron law of oligarchy.” In Poland, it is a little-known fact that in Western social thought he is viewed as a socially engaged sociologist—a “genuine” researcher gifted with sociological imagination and a passion for scholarship. The aim of the author is to present Michels as a scholar in many areas: feminist issues, local patriotism in the context of national citizenship, phenomena of a general sociological nature, the history of Italy, and social movements. Furthermore, the author illustrates the German writer Timm Genett’s thesis that Michels should also be valued as a pioneer in the study of social movements, which he consistently examined in his analyses of organizations, systematically investigating the degeneration of social movements and the shifting of organizational aims.


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  • Tolbert Pamela S., Hiatt Shon R., 2009, On Organization and Oligarchies: Michels in the Twenty-First Century, w: Paul S. Adler (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Tuccari Francesco, 2012, Robert Michels und die Demokratie des 21. Jahrhunderts, w: Harald Bluhm, Skadi Krause (red.), Robert Michels‘ Soziologie des Parteiwesens. Oligarchien und Eliten — die Kehrseiten moderne Demokratie, Wiesbaden.
  • Tuccari Francesco, 2013, Michels, Robert, w: Gregory Claeys (red.), Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought, t. 2, Sage, Los Angeles.
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  • Żyromski Marek, 2012, The Three “Founding Fathers” of Elite’s Theory: Mosca, Pareto and Michels, UAM, Poznań.


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