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Tom 59 Nr 1 (2015): CZYTAJĄC ELIASA

Artykuły i rozprawy

O socjologii twórczości naukowej na marginesie biografii Norberta Eliasa

Przesłane: 30 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 10 lutego 2015


This text contains initial reflections on the subject of the academic biography of Norbert Elias from the perspective of the theory of ritual interactions. The author outlines the spatial-temporal conditions that produced the emotional energy in Elias’s works and to a large degree determined his great popularity in the second half of the 20th century and now.


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  • Bucholc Marta, 2013, Samotność długodystansowca. Na obrzeżach socjologii Norberta Eliasa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
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  • Elias Norbert, 2013a, Notes on a Lifetime, w: Norbert Elias, Interviews and Autobiographical Reflections, tłum. Edmund Jephcott, University College Dublin Press, Dublin.
  • Elias Norbert, 2013b, A ‘Jewish Portrait’. Interview with Herlinde Koelbl, w: Norbert Elias, Interviews and Autobiographical Reflections, tłum. Edmund Jephcott, University College Dublin Press, Dublin.
  • Elias Norbert, Scotson John, 1994, The Established and the Outsiders: A Sociological Enquiry into Community Problems, Sage, London.
  • Goodwin John, Hughes Jason, 2011, Ilya Neustadt, Norbert Elias, and the Leicester Department: Personal Correspondence and the History of Sociology in Britain, „The British Journal of Sociology”, t. 62, s. 677–695.
  • Hackeschmidt Jörg, 1997, ‘The Cultural Forces of the Group’ — Norbert Elias as Pioneering Thinker of the Zionist Youth Movement. Two Previously Unknown Letters from 1920 and 1921, „Berliner Journal für Soziologie”, nr 3.
  • Hoffsommer Harold, 1966, Review: The Established and the Outsiders by Norbert Elias and John Scotson, „Social Forces”, t. 45, nr 2.
  • Jitschin Adrian, 2013, Family Background of Norbert Elias, „Figurations”, nr 39.
  • Rojek Chris, 2004, An Anatomy of the Leicester School of Sociology: An Interview with Eric Dunning, „The Journal of Classical Sociology”, t. 4, s. 337–359.
  • Schnädelbach Herbert, 1992 (1984), Filozofia w Niemczech 1831–1933, tłum. Krystyna Krzemieniowa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
  • Seglow Peter, 2013, Norbert Elias — Some Personal Recollections, „Figurations”, nr 40.


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