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Tom 59 Nr 4 (2015)

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Darwin et consortes: mit Darwina w kulturze współczesnej

Przesłane: 12 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 24 listopada 2015


Dominika Oramus’s book Darwinowskie paradygmaty: mit teorii ewolucji w kulturze współczesnej [Darwinian Paradigms: The Myth of the Theory of Evolution in Contemporary Culture] is an attempt to trace Darwin’s theory of evolution in today’s world. The presence of this idea is noted in numerous complexes of fact and fiction, which are transformations of the original theory of evolution. These are the stuff of cultural production, whose creations shape individual and collective representations in almost every area of human activity. Commentary on Oramus’s findings is placed in the context of the disputes—ever present in the social sciences—over the reception of Darwin’s theory.


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