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Tom 55 Nr 4 (2011): PRZESZŁOŚĆ I PAMIĘĆ

Artykuły i rozprawy

Między tożsamością narodową a europejską. Głos sceptyka

Przesłane: 12 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 22 listopada 2011


The Author starts with a question whether a nation is a counterbalance to a unified Europe. In order to find the answer, the notion of group identity is evoked. The Author argues that the notion of European identity — which is just being coined — does not have any roots in ethnic or linguistic communities — contrary to national identity which has been shaped through ages. Neither territorial community, or political community or economic interests constitute equally strong a bond as cultural dimension — a heritage that has evolved from common roots and strong mutual interactions within an imagined community. National identity is of historical character and is based on the memory of past years of a nation’s existence. “European identity” is a rather weak equivalent to national identity. In order to build an European identity, one would have to ponder which variant of Europe’s history to choose. So far European identity cannot refer to any continuum. Its dimensions are not as variable as that of national identity. And its power of influence is rather week. This is why, despite the fact that both identities are relatively compatible, i.e. they do not exclude each other, and one cannot replace the other. Thus, the author concludes that any and all fears of a nation’s “dilution” within a uniform “European state” are groundless.


  • Assmann Aleida, 2006, Der lange Schatten der Vergangenheit. Erinnerungsorte und Geschichtspolitik, C. H. Beck, München.
  • Dukes Paul, 2004, Paths to a New Europe. From Premodern to Postmodern Times, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Dyserinck Hugo, Syndram Karl U. (red.), 1988, Europa und das nationale Selbstverständnis, Bouvier, Bonn.
  • Eberhardt Winfried, Lübke Christian (red.), 2009, Die Vielfalt Europas. Identitäten und Räume, Leipziger Universitäts Verlag, Leipzig.
  • Lévai Csaba (red.), 2006, Europe and the World in European Historiography, Pisa University Press, Pisa.
  • Malmborg Mikael af, Stråth Bo (red.), 2002, The Meaning of Europe. Variety and Contention within and among Nations, Berg, Oxford–New York.
  • Namer Gérard, 2000, Halbwachs et la memoire sociale, L’Harmattan, Paris.
  • Stråth Bo (red.), 2000, Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels.
  • Thadden Rudolf von, Kaudelka Steffen, Serrier Thomas (red.), 2007, Europa der Zugehörigkeiten, Genshagener Gespräche, t. 10, Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen.


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