The analysis of urban experience of modernity developed simultaneously with the analysis of collective memory. Urban space is related with a palimpsest metaphor, which includes urban memory in the history of memory understood as a history of the media. In recent years the relationship between memory and a city is analyzed on the examples featuring multiculturalism and migration movements of the cities of the Central Europe, e.g. in the Vienna monograph ca. 1900 Das Gedächtnis der Städte (The Memory of the City) by Moritz Csaky. On the other hand, the media paradigm is used by Christine Boyer, who analyses visual manifestations of city memory in her book The City of Collective Memory. Juxtaposition of the two mutually complementing scientific attitudes invokes a need to postulate a deeper analysis of the role of popular culture and visuality in shaping the memory of cities, as well as conducting further studies on cross-country and transnational “cultural tangles”.
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