Popular culture is that aspect of modern cultural changes which is often ignored or dismisses — especially those which occur in relation to ethnicity. That view largely stems for a general attitude to pop culture which can be generally defined as conclusion stemming from the Frankfurt school. That is a view which is false and restrictive. Popular culture belongs to the same class of concepts as, for example, medieval or French culture and therefore it deserves the same consideration.
The article argues in favour of the view whereby popular culture currently constitutes a permanent and irremovable element of the day-to-day cultural landscape at the beginning of the 21st Century. It is also one of the most important building blocks which create ethnic identity. Examples which support this thesis are the diverse musical practices — Japanese visual rock, Palestine and Israeli rap, Serb turbo-folk as well as selected kinds of music from around the world, such as reggae and bhangra in Britain, rai in France and salsa in the United States. These manifestations of pop culture perfectly show the pop cultural foundations of today’s ethnicity in various parts of the world.
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