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Tom 51 Nr 1 (2007): Tematy popkultury

Artykuły i rozprawy

Tanatoturystyka — mroczna strona turystyki

Przesłane: 7 sierpnia 2023
Opublikowane: 20 marca 2007


Dark tourism is a definition encompassing the visiting of places associated with death, torture, battlefields, places where famous people died, cemeteries and exhibitions showing cadavers. This was always a part of culture, although recently there has been an increased interest of tourists and scientists. It combines not only travel and death but is often used ideologically. Also of interest are the various forms of tourism which are involved with death and the motivations of the tourists who are fascinated by them. Both of them are largely generated by the prevailing general culture — especially by the mass media — whereby death has become an element of consumption and another attraction on the tourism market.


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  • Nash Dennison, 1989, Tourism as a Form of Imperialism, w: Valene L. Smith (red.), Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
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  • Piotrowski Grzegorz, 2005, „Ideologia na talerzu”, Wydział Historyczny Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UAM, Poznań (praca magisterska).
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  • Seaton Anthony, Lennon John, 2003, Moral Panics, Ulterior Motives, and Alterior Desires: Thanatourism in the Early 21st Century, University of Luton and Glasgow–Caledonian University, Glasgow.
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  • Young James E., 1993, The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning, Yale University Press, New Haven.


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