The article analyzes the world represented in tourist advertisements and the experiences projected by them with reference to the essential tendencies of socio-cultural life. The concept of the world represented in tourist advertisements is described in the first part of the article. The second part focuses on some problematic areas in the tourist world. The rhetoric elaboration of visiting “Ground 0” after the terrorist attack in September 11th supplies the material for the analysis. The conclusions point to the strategies of adjusting the projects of tourist experiences with various social contexts, which not always are compatible with them. In the third part, the strategies of constructing the tourist image of the world are related to the general life projects, especially to the projects of creating individual identity. The material for the analysis are the advertisements from “The New York Times”, and from the travel supplement to “The New York Times” from September 11th 2001 to October 30th 2001. Direct observations were made from January to October 2002 in New York.
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