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Tom 68 Nr 3 (2024)

Artykuły i rozprawy

Nonreligion jako kategoria relacjonalna

  • Jacek Skrzypek
Przesłane: 26 stycznia 2024
Opublikowane: 19 września 2024


The article analyses the terms “nonreligion” and “religion-related field” — its aim being to better translate their pragmatic meanings into Polish. Moreover, the author argues that the term “religion-related field”, understood as a general category for the entire area of nonreligion studies, entails the adoption of unnecessary presuppositions. Postulating such a field should always be grounded on empirical material. In order to formulate a general description of the perspective developed in nonreligions studies, the author proposes that Loïc J. D. Wacquant’s interpretation of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology be adopted. Within this framework, the category of nonreligion can be understood as a set of practices delineated by researchers based on familial resemblance within the social space being examined.


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