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Vol. 68 No. 1 (2024): Kłopotliwe dziedzictwo

Articles and essays

Between Rejection and Recognition: Approaches to German Heritage in Katowice and Metz

Submitted: February 27, 2023
Published: 2024-03-20


Katowice and Metz were subject to intensive urbanisation and industrialisation from the second half of the 19th century until the beginning of the First World War. The German authorities were the initiator of the dynamic development of both these cities. The effects of these activities are still visible in the cities’ urban spaces, and constitute part of the cultural heritage. As such, they are becoming a part of the identity narratives jointly shaping the contemporary visions of the cities. Questions posed by this article include that concerning the place that traces of this “German” past occupy in the collective consciousness of these cities’ residents. What processes and stages allowed the gradual integration of these “traces” into the residents’ overall tangible and intangible collective memory? Which social groups, institutions, and organisations are the bearers of the memory of this part of the past? And finally, what needs to be done for German heritage to cease being a difficult heritage, and what role could reference to European heritage play here?


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