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Tom 73 Nr 3 (2020): Westlessness czyli zmierzch Zachodu 2.0?

Westlessness czyli zmierzch Zachodu 2.0?

„I did it my way”: Czy to koniec współpracy Zjednoczonego Królestwa i Unii Europejskiej w sprawach zagranicznych, bezpieczeństwa i obrony?

  • Ewa M. Suwara
Przesłane: 4 czerwca 2021
Opublikowane: 30 marca 2021


31 December 2020 marks end of the “transition period” indicated in the Agreement on the Withdrawal of  the  United Kingdom from the European Union. Until the end of this period, the subject of future cooperation in foreign affairs, security and defence has not been negotiated within the BREXIT negotiations. It results in lack of its elaboration in a form of a written agreement on future relations between both Parties in this area. The main objective of this publication is to discuss cooperation between the United Kingdom and the EU in foreign affairs, security and defence as of 1 January 2021, following the end of “transition period” stipulated in the Agreement, considering that it has not been negotiated between the Parties. In this publication, the author discusses negotiation strategy adopted by the United Kingdom, the EU proposal of regulating future relations in foreign affairs, defence and security, as well as presents the forms of cooperation with third states applied so far by the EU. The publication indicates the impact of the BREXIT for the future cooperation in foreign affairs, defence and security. The author argues that the strategy of negotiation adopted by the United Kingdom on future cooperation in the foreign affairs, defence and security was well planned, and does not constitute an obstacle for deepening the future relations between the United Kingdom and the EU.



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