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Tom 73 Nr 4 (2020): Oligarchia po transformacji

Rosja i jej sąsiedzi

Polityka Turcji w rejonie Morza Czarnego – relacje z Ukrainą a miękkie równoważenie Rosji

Przesłane: 11 września 2021
Opublikowane: 8 czerwca 2021


Against the backdrop of Turkish-Russian cooperative rivalry – an ambiguous relationship fraught with strategic competition on the one hand, and driven by cooperation in key areas (energy, defence) on the other, the article surveys the growing interdependencies between Turkey and Ukraine and seeks to answer the question whether closer bonds – political and military – between these two countries could be seen as a strategy of soft balancing against Russia. On a broader level, the article speculates on the complex nature of Turkey-Russia relations, which have become increasingly volatile, transactional, opportunistic and compartmentalized.



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