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Vol. 77 No. 1 (2024): NATO's Role and Relevance in the Modern World


Rules of Engagement in Military Operations – for Proper Understanding of Rules of Engagement Concept

Submitted: April 23, 2024
Published: January 17, 2024


Rules of Engagement (ROE) are generally considered to be internal rules, directives, military instructions afforded armed forces (including individual soldiers) that define the circumstances, conditions, degree and way force or other actions might be applied to fulfill the military mission.

This publication contains an analysis of the ROE concept, considering factors affecting their content. It also addresses the issue of the location of ROE in the international law system and presents the role that ROE may play in the internal legal systems of states. In this context, the article presents also the regulations relating to the use of the Polish Armed Forces aboard, indicating doubts as to the correctness of the current regulations and its applications giving suggestions for their improvement.


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