Vol. 75 No. 3/4 (2022): Francuska Europa? / Polityka energetyczna a energia przyszłości
Relationships between France’s integration policy and the development of European energy policy
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
The subject of this article is a retrospective and up-to-date analysis of the interrelationship between France's integration policy concerning the energy sector and the energy policy developed in the European Communities and the European Union. The study aims to present the rationale behind France's high level of activity in proposing integration projects in Western Europe (ECSC and EAEC) in the 1950s and playing a leadership role in laying the foundations of the future European Union. We present the specifics of France's energy sector from the point of view of the structure of its energy sources and its impact on its ability to influence the development of Community policy. We discuss in detail France's position at the contemporary stage of the transformation of the energy sector in the EU, related to climate and environmental problems. Based on the analysis, the authors have provided answers to the research questions formulated in the introduction and in the paper. The conclusions concern: 1) the rationale and objectives of French energy sector integration projects in the 1950s, 2) the energy problems of the 1970s and their impact on changes in the structure of energy sources, 3) the impact of nuclear energy development on the decarbonisation of the economy, 4) the low activity of France in presenting energy sector transformation projects at the present stage of energy policy development.
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